The NeySEApilot Line System
NeySEA, LLC is redefining ocean travel by delivering all the tools mariners need in one combined E-Navigation GPS Autopilot solution. This one-of-a-kind tech offers existing marine electronics manufacturers, solution providers, system integrator's , installers, fleet managers and operators the chance to completely transform their businesses.
Prepare to reach your destination safer, faster, using less fuel and with lowered costs. We are focused on creating tomorrows intelligent ships, yachts and! NeySEA, LLC is going to sea for your bottom line! Contact us today to learn how you can buy or license. Our patented NeySEApilot Line System is a software defined GPS Autopilot Navigator.
Our disrupting technology is a self driving or semi autonomous solution for ships yachts and boats. It uses readily available COTS non proprietary hardware sensors to work.
NeySEA Pilot Line Systems: Manage and Watch...Not steer and Fear!
Easy: Create a NeySEA Pilot voyage plan on your chartplotter or ECDIS and hit enter. Watch your ship, yacht or boat automatically fully execute and follow a precision waypoint defined route and course across an ocean, bay or channel. Repeatable course, route and positioning perfection every time ! Precision course-keeping, track line accuracy and reduced steering movement. Any seas and on any vessel! Yes!
Regardless of the weather, sea, wind, vessel size, speed, cargo loading, propulsion and steering types our NeySEApilot Line System just works!
The Innovation
The Intelligent Software Defined Autopilot and E-Navigation Solution
A Software Based Marine Autopilot and E-Navigation solution to automatically execute all the consecutive maneuvers in a complete way-point defined voyage plan.
Our NeySEA, LLC Pilot Line Systems performance demonstrates that the ship adheres to the track line with an accuracy equivalent to that of the GPS itself.
Therefore safe passages in confined and open waterways is a valuable capability and offering of an Autopilot and E-Navigation solution employing the NeySEA, LLC NeySEApilot Engine because all planned turns and straightaways are executed accurately and fully automatically by the NeySEA , LLC NeySEAPilot Line System.
In rough moderate and extreme sea conditions most or all traditional stand alone marine autopilot systems that are coupled to external gps chartplotters or gyro compass's struggle to maintain adherence to the vessels set course and or GPS track line. The result are extremely large cross track errors building up over time as well as other unpleasant attributes resulting from the old and outdated stand alone conventional autopilot technology found on the bridges of most modern and even newly outfitted vessels. Your burning more fuel, overworking your steering gear and crew by using these less than optimum old school stand alone autopilots.
In open seas when efficiency not safety is the primary consideration our adaptive steering algorithms can be employed to further reduce rudder action and regain forward speed while still maintaining track-line control. The systems Adaptive steering Mode is also described in our technical document. NPLSTD-2
NeySEA's Pilot Line System or NPLS represents a "new way" of software defined gps autopilot navigation controlled fully automated pier to pier way point defined voyages.
"Our patented and field proven innovation fuses a software defined hardware agnostic marine autopilot command and control guidance and precision GPS Navigation functionality for any ship, yacht or boat."
Performs voyage planning and precision gps pier to pier auto-steering functions
Our full software-based precision GPS autopilot automatically executes all consecutive maneuvers in any waypoint-defined voyage plan
GNSS and GPS precision navigation accuracy and readability
Multi Sensor management with MIMO
NeySEApilot Line solution supports multiple configurations such as direct ECDIS and or NMEA waypoint source driven route voyages and planning
NeySEA Pilot Line hardware requirements are non proprietary. This is both pragmatic and logical for all stakeholders. We use exiting commercial off-the-shelf ( COTS) hardware. NPLS is both hardware agnostic and non-proprietary.
COTS hardware the system works with include standard PC's, GPS sensors, rate compass's, Gyro and or SAT compasses, AHRS systems, combination GPS heading sensors, standard hydraulic or mechanical steering systems, powered hydraulic systems, solenoid switched valves, reversible electric hydraulic power unit pumps, actuators and angular rudder feedback position units and more.
The NeySEA Pilot Line System is both a precision gps autopilot navigation solution and rapid solution development method for developers, software engineers and solution providers to rapidly design and deploy fleets of vessels with the system without the need for painstaking ship by ship, yacht by yacht or boat by boat sea trialing or fine tuning. This advanced and technologically disruptive "new school" of software based marine autopilot GPS navigation solution was specifically designed and engineered to provide high seas ships "a true fully automatic pilot driven and gps managed way-point defined voyage". The solution can also be used for yachts and boats.
System features and attributes
Light payload Java source code
Integrated voyage planning
Autopilot and GPS Navigation Database Shared
GPS navigation driven
Routing with semi-autonomous out of the box
Data collection and aggregation for map making, surveying and logging
Chart database synchronization
Semi-autonomous with future full autonomous radar and or thermal Imaging fusion road maps
Modern precision autopilot command and control law algorithms (patented by William M. Pease, Engineer, 2012) This was the 26th major marine technology patent by the inventor to date
Embedded systems capable
Fully autonomous Mode - As IMO, ABS, SOLAS along with the industry progress in the continued regulation and commercialization of this "new way". NeySEA's solution offers to be in the forefront. Early adopters of our system will have an significant advantage over the competition
Remotely controlled- capable now
OEM ECDIS system integration and delivery is part of our future and active product in development plan or PID
We have the patented technology, software and experience for your company to succeed with us... All that's missing is you
NeySEA is taking ocean travel to brand new shores and we want you along for the voyage. We're in the early stages of growth and actively seeking industry partners with which to integrate our solutions.
About the inventor, William M. Pease
Chief Design Engineer
Former Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of Servomechanism Laboratory at MIT
Founder of Numerical Control for Machine Tools
Corporate Career with Ultrasonic, Feedback Controls, RCA, and The Raytheon Company
Member Corporate Engineering Staff at Raytheon, overseeing more than 2,500 engineers at four major divisions
Product developments for Raytheon Marine Company, including four generations of Collision Avoidance System (four generations), pathfinder ARPA radar systems (Installed on over 10,000 vessels currently at sea)
Holds 26 major US patents in marine technology
His collision avoidance system was recognized by Congress as a major industry advancement
Retired Member of Royal Institute of Navigation
Cited in major trade publications including the Journal of Marine Electronics
Expert witness for US Justice Department at major trial involving collision avoidance patent dispute
Pease's vision
The NeySEA PLS performs voyage planning, GPS navigation and autopilot steering functions in one, integrated lightweight solution. We are pursuing partnering opportunities with marine electronics manufacturers, marine engine manufacturers, controls manufacturers, solution providers, developers, system integrators and key installers. We hope to leverage all or just parts of our patented technology and software.
A revolutionary paradigm shift is occurring throughout nearly all areas of transportation. Technology advancement is fueling new generations of intelligent software innovation and sensor development. Example: Self-driving cars are no longer speculation but are real. They are being developed, tested and introduced globally in many new areas of the world each year. 2nd and 3rd generations of enhanced driver-assist products are also being designed and released . These automotive examples like our NeySEApilot self driving ship solution, aim to reduce fatalities, improve safety, efficiency and also improve situational awareness of the operator and most important improve the quality of life work balance for all.
William M. Pease, the chief engineer and inventor of the NeySEA Pilot Line, recognized that all previous conventional marine autopilots and conventional proprietary marine electronic navigation products which supplied the autopilots with single way point destinations were outdated.
"The future of our electronic world is software-defined." he said many times. His goal was to make one simple pc based virtual appliance that would perform what has always been three previously needed appliances. A GPS, Chartplotter and separate autopilot.
3 is now 1
Thus his new 2012 patented invention the NeySEApilot Line System is well positioned and ready to modernize the marine electronic navigation industry with a pure software defined GPS Autopilot Navigator running on one PC. His brilliant mathematics and proven to work GPS control law algorithms together make the the disrupting solution so versatile and game changing for all vessels moving forward.
It's simple: Software-based marine navigation, precision autopilot control, voyage planning are all native in one software program that runs on any PC computer.
NeySEA Pilot Software 1st Deck Officers Screenshot